Tel: 07786 330497 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
Email: colette@calmaths.com
Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Maths Tutor Testimonials
The Joy of tutoring is helping Students achieve above and beyond their expectations...
Student S started tuition with me in the January of Year 11. He had just received his school report showing that his grade in Mathematics was level 3+. Studying at a secondary school in Beaconsfield, S was hoping to achieve a level 5 in Maths when he sat his GCSE in the June, 5 months later. I tutored S once a week until his GCSE exam. Parent Feedback on Results Day - 24 August S got a 7 Colette, we are so happy! Thank you for everything. The head said it was a comfortable 7 in the middle of the range and he is now wanting to do A level Maths! He could not have done it without you, we are very grateful. K
Hi Colette, Just wanted to give you the good news: R achieved an 8 in her GCSE... both girls enjoy your sessions and find your teaching invaluable.(August 2023)
Thank you very much for all of your support for M. Her knowledge and confidence have improved immeasurably with your support. (June 2023)
Hi Colette, You have been absolutely brilliant for M's understanding and confidence and we cannot thank you enough. (August 2023)
Thank you so much Colette for your teaching and patience, R has gained so much from your lessons and has truly enjoyed them, she was sad that today was her last session (July 2023)
Just to let you know J got a 9 in his Maths! We are delighted. Thank you so much for all your support. (August 2022)
Morning Colette, Just to let you know L attained a grade 6 in her Maths! Brilliant news. We can’t thank you enough for enabling L, particularly given the situation with both Covid and the schools teaching! Thank you, thank you, K (August 2022)
Hi Colette! A got a 5 in maths so she is super happy!! She got all 5 and 6 so we are so proud of her ! Thanks again for all your help x (August 2022)
L has enjoyed working with you immensely. You have enabled her to feel comfortable with Maths and been a fantastic teacher. I can not thank you enough. (June 2022)
Hi Colette hope you’re well? Just to update D got a high grade 7 in his maths and we are all absolutely thrilled. Thank you for your efforts and support with his maths. (August 2021)
T got a 5 in maths! Thank you it was definitely due to your help (August 2021)
Hi Colette, I thought I should let you know that she got 99% in her maths exam! She’s a very happy and proud girl. Thank you as always (June 2021)
Dear Colette, J said the lesson was extremely useful. Many thanks. (June 2021)
Dear Colette, Thank you for this and all the support that you have provided to L. Even through difficult times (Covid 19)you have managed to raise the bar! K (June 2020)
Hi Colette hope all is well with yourself and your family. Just to let you know that E got an 8 in his GCSE maths. He has worked really hard and got amazing results so thank you for all your help. Take care A (August 2020)
Hi Colette, O got a 7 for maths and was delighted. She got 7s and 8s across the board... and was really over the moon. M (August 2020)
I just want to say how much we appreciate what you’ve done for L. She really enjoys your lessons and has so much respect for you as a teacher. The preparation and organisation that you offer is unlike anything L has experienced before. Have a lovely Easter weekend (April 2020)
Hi Colette, A is really pleased as she got a 7 in Maths - thanks so much for all your help. (August 2019)
Hi Colette, He passed all subjects I'm happy to say. And with your help he got a 5 in maths. Without you I don't think he would have passed.
Thank you for all your help in getting him to the finish line. (August 2019)
Hi Colette, I wanted to let you know that my maths exam today went well and I answered all the questions to the best of my ability.
Thank you for all your continued support this past year, you have been an amazing teacher and I have definitely seen an improvement in my maths ability. I have really enjoyed working with you. E (June 2019)
Hi Colette, We so appreciate your help and support...
Colette has really helped both our older children (year 8 and 9) to consolidate their maths skills during weekly, alternating lessons. Her focused help has hugely increased both their confidence in maths and their test results. They are now both in the top set for maths. Highly recommended. MD January 2019
"It is so great that J feels enthused about maths!"
"Hi Colette, F said he really enjoyed the session and that it was the first time he has felt challenged in ages!"
"Thank you so much for all your help". K
Hi Colette, just thought I'd let you know P got raw marks for maths today. 81 and 86 % how amazing !
Thank you again! E (GCSE Results 2017)
"To Colette, thank you for all you have done for H. You’ve been a great help and made a huge difference. Much appreciated." Best wishes S
Hi Colette, Thank you, you have been brilliant for P and I really appreciate your support and the confidence you have given her.E
Thanks so much for all your help and support with the children, who will miss seeing you. Thanks, M 2019
"A says the lessons are definitely giving her more confidence so thank you!" J
Hi Colette, thanks, A is finding the sessions helpful and they are improving her confidence.
"Colette, Many thanks for all your support with O, her confidence in maths has certainly grown!Enjoy the summer and see you in September."
Thank you so much for thinking of J. He got a 7 and was only 2 marks off 8, so they have recommended getting it remarked. Thanks so much for your fabulous support. Made a real difference hope all your students did well. (GCSE Results 2018)
We are over the moon with her results. And can now relax. K (GCSE Results 2018)
Hi Colette Just to let you know I am so pleased with my results. I GOT A 5 IN MATHS! Thank you so much for putting your time into helping me. S (GCSE Results 2018)
Dear Colette,
Thank you so much for your help with H and her GCSE Maths. She exceeded her expectations and was delighted with the result (grade 7). I appreciated the way you tailored the tutoring to her - building her confidence when she needed it and stretching her with the more difficult topics too. H enjoyed her lessons with you as you were fun, enthusiastic and good at explaining. Thank you also for the supply of questions and papers for lots of practice.
We would definitely recommend you to any future student.
Thanks again,